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Proverbs 6 - Easy To Read Version

1 My son, don’t make yourself responsible for another person’s debts. Don’t make such deals with friends or with strangers.

2 \{If you do,\} then you will be trapped. And you will have trapped yourself with your own words!

3 You are under that person’s power. So go to him and free yourself. Beg that person to free you from his debt.

4 Don’t even wait to rest or sleep.

5 Escape from that trap like a deer running from a hunter. Free yourself like a bird flying out of a trap.

6 Lazy person, you should become like the ant. See what the ant does. Learn from the ant.

7 The ant has no ruler, no boss, no leader.

8 But during summer, the ant gathers all its food. The ant saves its food. And in the winter, it has plenty of food.

9 Lazy person, how long will you lie there? When will you get up from your rest?

10 The lazy person says, “I need a short nap. I will lie here for a short rest.”

11 But he sleeps and sleeps. And he becomes poorer and poorer. Soon he will have nothing! It will be like a robber has come and stolen everything.

12 An evil and worthless person tells lies and says bad things.

13 He winks his eye and makes signs with his hands and feet to trick people.

14 That person is a troublemaker. He is always planning to do something bad. He makes trouble everywhere.

15 \{But he will be punished.\} All of a sudden, disaster will strike. He will suddenly be destroyed! And there will be no one to help him!

16 The Lord hates these six, no seven, things:\par

17 eyes that show a man is proud,\par tongues that tells lies,\par hands that kill innocent people,\par

18 hearts that plan bad things to do,\par feet that run to do evil things,\par

19 a person who tells lies in court\par and says things that are not true,\par a person who starts arguments\par and causes fights between other people.\par

20 My son, remember your father’s commands. And don’t forget your mother’s teachings.

21 \{Remember their words always\}—tie them around your neck and keep them over your heart.

22 Their teachings will lead you wherever you go. They will watch over you while you sleep. And when you wake up, they will talk to you and guide you.

23 The commands and teachings from your parents are like a light that shows you the right way. They correct you and train you to follow the path to life.

24 Their teaching stops you from going to an evil woman. Their words protect you from the smooth talk of the wife that left her husband.

25 That woman might be beautiful. But don’t let that beauty burn inside you and tempt you. Don’t let her eyes capture you.

26 A prostitute {\cf2\super [6]} might cost a loaf of bread. But the wife of another man can cost you your life!

27 If a man spills fire on himself, his clothes will also be burned.

28 If a man steps on a hot coal, his feet will be burned!

29-30-31 It is the same with any person who sleeps with another man’s wife. That person will suffer.

32 But a man who does the sin of adultery is foolish. He is destroying himself—he himself causes his own destruction!

33 People will lose all their respect for him. And he will never lose that shame.

34 The woman’s husband will become jealous. That husband will be very angry. He will do anything he can to punish the other man.

35 No payment—no amount of money—will be enough to stop his anger!

Easy To Read Version

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