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Proverbs 6 - Coverdale Miles 1535  Bible

1 My sone, yf thou be suertie for yi neghboure, thou hast fastened thine hode wt another ma:

2 yee thou art boude with thine owne wordes, and taken wt thine owne speach.

3 Therfore (my sonne) do this, discharge thy self, for thou art come i to yi neghbours daunger. Go thy waye then soone,

4 let not thyne eyes slepe, ner thine eye lyddes slomber.

5 Saue thy self as a doo fro ye honde,

6 Go to the Emmet (thou slogarde) cosidre hir wayes,

7 She hath no gyde, no teacher, no leder:

8 yet in the sommer she prouideth hir meate,

9 How loge wilt thou slepe, thou slogish ma? Wha wilt thou aryse out of thy slepe?

10 Yee slepe on still a litle, slober a litle, folde thine handes together yet a litle, that thou mayest slepe:

11 so shal pouerte come vnto the as one yt trauayleth by the waye,

12 A dissemblynge person, a wicked man goeth with a frowarde mouth:

13 he wyncketh with his eyes, he tokeneth wt his fete, he poynteth wt his fyngers,

14 he is euer ymageninge myschefe

15 Therfore shal his destruccion come hastely vpo him, sodenly shal he be all tobroken, and not be healed.

16 There be sixe thinges, which the LORDE hateth,

17 A proude loke, a dyssemblynge tonge, hades that shed innocent bloude,

18 an herte yt goeth aboute wt wicked ymaginacios, fete that be swift in rennynge to do myschefe,

19 a false wytnesse yt bringeth vp lyes,

20 My sonne, kepe thy fathers comaundemetes,

21 Put the vp together in thine herte, and bynde the aboute thy necke.

22 That they maye lede the where thou goest, preserue the when thou art aslepe,

23 (For the commaundement is a lanterne, and the lawe a light: yee chastenynge

24 that they maye kepe the fro the euell woman,

25 yt thou lust not after her beuty in thine herte,

26 An harlot wil make a ma to begg his bred, but a maried woman wil hunt for ye precious life.

27 Maye a man take fyre in his bosome, and his clothes not be brent?

28 Or can one go vpon hote coales, and his fete not be hurte?

29 Euen so, who so euer goeth in to his neghbours wife, and toucheth her, can not be vngiltie.

30 Men do not vtterly despyse a thefe, that stealeth to satisfie his soule, when he is hongerie:

31 but yf he maye be gotten, he restoreth agayne seuen tymes asmoch, or els he maketh recompence with all the good of his house.

32 But who so comitteth aduoutrie with a woma, he is a foole, and bryngeth his life to destruccion.

33 He getteth him self also shame

34 For the gelousy

35 no though thou woldest ofre him greate giftes to make amendes, he will not receaue them.

1535 Miles Coverdale Bible

1535 Miles Coverdale Bible

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