United Kingdom submits approval of “abortions from home” to referendum

The UK has put the decision to abort from home using pills to a popular vote.

United Kingdom submits approval of “abortion from home” to referendum

The Ministry of Women considers the decision to submit the issue to a popular vote to be appropriate, especially in the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic.

“The government is considering the right way to hold a public consultation; on whether to make the current measure permanent because of the coronavirus pandemic,” said Victoria Atkins, UK Minister for Women.

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Popular Consultation

“Permission for home use of pills for early medical abortion is for all eligible women up to ten weeks of pregnancy,” she added.

According to the Minister, these measures will remain in force until the popular vote is obtained.

Since March, Westminster authorities have authorized the use of abortion pills, only for those who want to “get rid” of an unwanted pregnancy and child through an early chemical abortion.

Uncontrolled abortions

The Department of Health and Welfare stated that this measure is only temporary or until the Coronavirus pandemic is over; predicting that it will have an effect on the population of at least two years.

Abortion in the United Kingdom appears to be a sensitive issue, as a rigorous investigation was once conducted into the death of a 28-week-old baby from his mother’s use of abortion pills.

The pills were given by the largest group of abortionists in the country, the British Pregnancy Advisory Service.

Illegality uncovered

Thanks to a secret investigation by the Christian Concern organization, it was found that the abortion group was making the pills available to anyone who called a number provided and gave false information about the pregnancy.

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On the spot, one of CC’s undercover clients was allowed to be given the pills by reporting that she was less than the number of weeks pregnant to perform the abortion.

Waiting for approval

The country is considering abortion during the pandemic in cases of rape, which triggered a war of demands between abortion and pro-life groups.

“If that amendment had passed, vulnerable women would be at greater risk of forced abortion,” said Alithea Williams, a political assistant with the Pro-Life Society for the Protection of Babies.

However, a referendum for approval is pending, as it is considered “an impossible practice to regulate.

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