SWEDEN: Critics point out authorities’ refusal to provide medical help to the elderly, doing “forced euthanasia”

Controversy is growing in Sweden after some media reported that the elderly are being denied health care in their care homes.

Medical services gave priority to the youngest and healthiest because “they are more likely to survive if they contract the virus.”

According to Bioedge, the country’s health authorities have received many complaints about the treatment of elderly patients.

It is believed that those who may be infected with Covid-19 were placed in palliative care, denied supplemental oxygen, and denied intravenous fluids.

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Many people felt that these people were being given “a death sentence”.

According to The Wall Street Journal, most of the deaths in the country are residents of nursing homes.

“People were choking, it was horrible to see. A patient asked me what I was giving him when I gave him the morphine injection, and I lied,” said Latifa Löfvenberg, a nurse.

The controversial medical guidelines

The nation’s National Board of Health and Welfare issued official guidelines to be followed when the pandemic began.

Doctors were asked to classify patients by biological age and general health before making treatment decisions.

Because the elderly were considered to have little hope of survival, they were denied access to intensive care units.

It should be noted that these facilities were left for younger patients in the hope of helping them in case of increased contagion, but since most patients were elderly, these units were hardly used.

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“These guidelines have too often resulted in the denial of treatment to older patients, even when hospitals were operating below capacity,” critics of the WSJ approach said.

Some critics even went so far as to argue that the approach amounted to “euthanasia.”

But despite this, in the midst of the pandemic there were stories of older people who survived the virus.

Such is the case of Lloyd Falk, a 100-year veteran of World War II who recovered after spending 58 days in the hospital.

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