Pierced nose left young girl paralyzed

Layane Dias, a 21-year-old young girl from Brazil, told the BBC News in an interview the pain she experienced as she gradually became paraplegic after she got her nose pierced.

 Pierced nose left girl paralyzed

Pierced nose left girl paralyzed

“I thought it was a pimple, but it caused fever. I treated it myself, I put creams on it and a week later, it disappeared,” she said.  However due to the “unbearable pain” in her legs she was rushed to the hospital. Tests revealed Dias had a blood infection, while scans showed Dias had pus pressing against three of her spinal vertebra.

Oswaldo Ribeiro Marquez, the surgeon who removed the fluid, told BBC News he hasn’t seen a case like Dias in his 15-year-long career.

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Dermatologist Alessandra Romiti told BBC News that complications from piercings are extremely rare. However, she stressed the importance of piercing shops being sanitary, and clients keeping the site clean.

It is unclear if Dias will walk again, but she keeps a good attitude. She expressed that at first she was “devastated”, however, since she started hanging out with people with her case, she feels more optimistic about life.

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