Ex LGBTQ Members Affirm Their Changed Lives Demonstrate Homosexuality Isn’t Permanent

The topic related to gay and transgender rights has taken social media for a while. However, it seems that a new topic is getting space on news. It is related to those who’ve left the gay and transgender lifestyles.

This new group includes ex LGBTQ members who affirm their changed lives demonstrate homosexuality isn’t permanent.

Although political correctness insists LGBTQ people are born that way and their sexual orientation is impossible to change, there are many people whose testimonies affirm this statement is not true and they want to prove it.

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To show it, a number of 18 former gays, lesbians and transgenders stood before the US Capitol this week.

Their goal, to proclaim they’re real. They want the world to know their lives are changed, despite a culture that denies such transformation is possible.

Some people think they are a minority, but the truth is that the group of 18 represents thousands who’ve moved out of the homosexual and transgender lifestyles. Many of them have joined what’s known as the Changed Movement.

What is the Changed Movement?

The Changed movement is a community of friends who have left LGBT lifestyles to celebrate the love of Jesus and His freedom in their lives.

This movement was co-founded by Elizabeth Woning who affirms true change is possible.

We’ve experienced a change in our sexual orientation, some small, some great. I mean, some of us don’t experience same-sex attraction anymore. And yet, everywhere you go, you hear that’s utterly impossible.” She told CBN News.

There is also the testimony of Ken Williams. He is the co-founder of the changed movement. He was homosexual but now a heterosexual father of four.

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I really don’t experience same-sex attraction,” he testified. “I don’t ever get sexually aroused by looking at a man. That hasn’t happened in years.”

There is no doubt that the love and power of Jesus is the hope people need. He is the only one who can truly change a life. When a person receives and understands his love and grace gets real freedom (John 8:36)


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