Dangers of making comments on social media without thinking about consequences (TRUE STORY)

Although there is a lot of information about the use and misuse of social media, many people ignore about this fact and take no limits that can have consequences.

Ariana Alvarado recorded a short and “funny” video with her mother, but the Venezuelan community took it as an offense.

Over the years, people starting to use social media for various purposes; There are those who use them to share their ideas and others, even, to bring fun to the different places of the planet.

Unfortunately, some people do not take into account the problems that their words or actions within the different platforms can cause.

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There is also another important issue, and it is related to those “funny” messages because they can be interpreted differently due to culture.

Such is the case of an event that occurred recently and that quickly went viral through social media.

A Peruvian young woman recorded a short video with her mother where she commented on why the Covid-19 had not arrived in Venezuela yet; affirming that it was due to the economic situation that this nation faces.

Although her main intention was not to cause offenses because she said her comment was a joke, many people, especially Venezuelans, were offended by her words.

This girl received hundreds of responses from many Venezuelans through the different platforms; many made fun of her and her mother, and others expressed different points.

Shortly after, the young Peruvian woman published another video, apologizing for the inconvenience caused by her comments;which were classified as xenophobia.

This is just one of those cases that fill social media with this kind of events. Some call them “freedom of expression” ; however, other say it is “lack of respect”.

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What should be done to deal with this and how to avoid it?

It is not wrong to share ideas with others, the problem is when the person knows that the words saying may hurt or offend someone. This is something to avoid.

Certainly all human beings are different and have different ways of thinking; but sometimes it is good to think about the good and comfort of others and not just ours.

The main idea of social media was to unite communities and people; but today, because of selfish thought, there is more destruction than unity.

The good side is that in the hands of each person is the ability to change this; And if you start by doing it personally, then these ideas can be passed on to others.


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