Chinese government destroys dozen of Christian homes that functioned as churches in recent days

More than a dozen Christian homes in China were destroyed last week by order of the Chinese government.

Christian services in China.

From Fujian province, local authorities issued the decision to destroy the homes of those who gather at the Xingguang Church; About 100 officials arrived at the properties and took out all their belongings to the streets.

The same officials attacked the residents who were recording the incident, “What are you recording?” and they took my cell phone,” a witness said.

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Minutes later, the authorities began the destruction of the homes; there are more than 12 houses in ruins, which at the time were the meeting place for members of the church.

Through social networks, the church pastor’s wife, Wang Xiaofei, asked her contacts to pray for the serious situation of homeless families.

Since before the quarantine and even after, the wave of attacks against Christians has been increasing with different forms of violence.

Last May, there was an invasion of more than 100 police officers in a community worship service where the congregation suffered blows and serious injuries. Besides that, they arrested several of those present in the place.

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